MLB: Toronto Blue Jays at Detroit Tigers

Graduating Classes: How Toronto’s Young Players Stack Up

There has been a lot of alleged drama surrounding the young talent that was shipped out of the Blue Jays’ organization last July when Alex Anthopoulos went all in at the 2015 trade deadline. The common sentiment is that the system is now rather barren, especially at the upper levels. There is no arguing that […]

MLB: Toronto Blue Jays at San Francisco Giants

Blue Jays Rotation Review: Is This Even Legal?

Since they say starting pitching wins championships, each time through the rotation we’re going to break down each individual start to see what the pitchers did well and what they didn’t, with an attempt to go a little bit deeper than just the box score. You can read all past Rotation Reviews here. Last time […]


On Stroman, Sanchez, and the Struggles With Fastball Classification

Neither Aaron Sanchez nor Marcus Stroman relies upon a four seam fastball as their primary hard-type offering. This has led many to envelop the hard-type pitches that they do throw into one single category with an interchangeable name; sinkers and two seam fastballs. While it’s an understandable association to make, given that both have great […]


The Blue Jays “Stuff” Report – Volume 2

The Blue Jays Stuff Report will be appearing in this space every two weeks. The metric was created by Dr. Mike Sonne, who has a PhD in biomechanics from McMaster University. For his work on pitcher fatigue, injury, and other baseball related research, please visit his website over at Welcome back to the Stuff report! […]