MLB: Toronto Blue Jays at San Francisco Giants

Blue Jays Rotation Review: Is This Even Legal?

Since they say starting pitching wins championships, each time through the rotation we’re going to break down each individual start to see what the pitchers did well and what they didn’t, with an attempt to go a little bit deeper than just the box score. You can read all past Rotation Reviews here. Last time […]

MLB: Boston Red Sox at Toronto Blue Jays

Blue Jays Rotation Review: Marco’s Back

Since they say starting pitching wins championships, each time through the rotation we’re going to break down each individual start to see what the pitchers did well and what they didn’t, with an attempt to go a little bit deeper than just the box score. You can read all past Rotation Reviews here. The first […]


Blue Jays Rotation Review: Week One Wonders

They say that pitching wins championships. We’re not quite sure who “they” are, and we think the Toronto bats could probably disagree, but who are we to argue? So here at BP Toronto we’ve decided to make starting pitching a focus, so that when the Jays finally raise that World Series banner, we can look […]