
TMZ Reports that Edwin Encarnacion is Being Sued

TMZ is reporting that Blue Jays’ first baseman and designated hitter Edwin Encarnacion is being sued for, “battery, misrepresentation of facts and more.”

The story comes as a surprise to a Blue Jays fan base that has, for seven years now, embraced Edwin’s silent but strong role on the team. The allegations against him are serious, with the 24-year old woman involved alleging that Encarnacion gave her two STDs after, “unprotected sex on at least 2 occasions…during a trip to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic in February 2016.”

As a non-traditional sports outlet, one may be inclined to dismiss TMZ’s reporting. However, it’s worth noting that TMZ is remarkably well-connected, and is reporting that an actual lawsuit has been filed in this case, not on rumours.

Allegations of a known STD being inflicted are less-precedented in MLB reporting, though we have seen it in Toronto before. In 2008, Roberto Alomar was sued for intentionally inflicting HIV on his partner, a case which eventually was settled out of court. More importantly, pieces of the issues affiliated with it are similar to that of domestic abuse, which has thankfully come towards the forefront of attention in recent years. The Blue Jays and their fanbase narrowly avoided being forced to the discuss the issues after trading away Jose Reyes, who would later go on to be suspended by MLB for domestic abuse. Topics of this nature are tough for any group to discuss, which became very clear during that time. With no forced discussion, Toronto went on to largely ignore the fact that the Blue Jays employed someone for 2.5 seasons, who went on to become a domestic abuser. This time around, that won’t, and shouldn’t be the case.

Alleging that someone intentionally inflicted you with two STDs, that could seemingly be recurrent in nature, is a serious issue. If true, it shows a serious lack of character and basic human respect from Edwin Encarnacion. It’s terrible, it’s disgusting, and it should be the kind of thing that makes supporters loathe a player that their team has employed. The discussion around sexually transmitted diseases is taboo, but that’s no excuse for maliciously disrespecting one’s sexual partner.

Granted, nothing has been proven yet, and I’m sure we’ll see many around the Internet touting that fact. But, there’s nothing glamorous about admitting to the world that you have two sexually transmitted diseases, which is what this 24-year old woman is looking at now that this case has come to light.

Often, the victims in these cases are dismissed. In contrast to the professional athletes that they have accused, they have very little clout, and no fan fare. With so little information, it serves no one to say these allegations are certainly true. However, as previously noted, this isn’t a glamorous accusation; accusations tend not to be. Given the incentives involved, it serves this woman very little to make such an accusation, other than to bring the accused to justice. More information is needed, but we shouldn’t not believe her. Remember that.

Additional reporting on this matter will likely come out in the ensuing weeks. With Edwin Encarnacion coming up on free-agency, it’ll be interesting to see how the Blue Jays and the league react.

Lead Photo: Nick Turchiaro-USA TODAY Sports

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3 comments on “TMZ Reports that Edwin Encarnacion is Being Sued”


This lawsuit on the surface doesnt make much sense. The only person who would know that EE has an STD (or supposedly 2) is EE or maybe his Doctor. So EE must have been the one who told her he had an STD ( that is even if he knew himself).

So is she saying he told her before they had sex? Obviously not. Did he tell her after? Based on her story EE said she must have got the STDs from the ocean or some such thing.

So, she may have got the STDs from having unprotected sex with EE. If thats the case then its her fault as much as his and there is no case and life will go on. I have a hard time believing EE told anyone (outside of his doctor) that he has an STD…who would?

Matt Gwin

I don’t think you understand the case, nor the gravity of the situation.

1. If Edwin was the only person that she had unprotected sex with, then she can be fairly certain that it was him.

2. EE is lying out of his a** when he says that she would have gotten it from the water. That doesn’t happen.

3. Don’t shame this poor woman for expecting that the partner with which she is having unprotected sex with is a respectful human being. Not informing someone that you have a STD, and then requesting to have unprotected sex is an incredibly malicious act.

If your honest assessment is that its ok for someone who has a recurrent, painful sexually transmitted disease to not inform others that he could be passing this disease on to them, please find your baseball content elsewhere. I’d rather not have you as a reader.


First, she has to proof the STD she got is from EE
1) she has to proof she did not have STD before her encounter with EE
2) she has to proof she started to have STD after the encounter and before her next with someone else (so the STD is not from another person).
Then, someone needs to find out if EE has the same STDs as the woman
If he has, someone needs to find out if EE knew he had it at the time of the encounter.

If all these are proofed to be true, then he is most like guilty.
So there are a lot of unknown at the moment. I hope EE is innocent. And the lawsuit won’t affect his performance.

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