Thank you

Thank You

Hello Blue Jays fans,

As some of you may already be aware, BP Toronto is joining the rest of the BP Locals in shuttering its doors. After three seasons covering the club at our own special little corner of Baseball Prospectus, we are officially closing up shop as of this post.

The good news is that instead of being shut down, we are moving on to bigger and better things. In lieu of continuing to fill this space with our thoughts and ramblings, we will now be moving our Blue Jays (and more) analysis over to the flagship – Baseball Prospectus. You will still be able to find the writers whose work you have come to know and whose quirks and passions you have grown to enjoy. They will just all be in one place mixed with the brilliant work of the rest of the staff at BP.

As for this page specifically, all of the content that has appeared here in the past will stay up as a reference if you ever want to look back at something interesting, or just remind yourself how wrong we can be!

Finally, we want to thank all of you for coming to this site every day(ish!) and making it feel like a home for some really passionate Blue Jays fans and writers who wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for your eyes and minds. We write because we all want to share our love for this team and this game, and you made that possible.

So on behalf of the entire staff at BP Toronto, thank you all once again and we hope to continue to provide the type of content we and you can be proud of over at BP.


Joshua Howsam
Now Former Editor-in-Chief


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4 comments on “Thank You”


… will you still be doing Artificial Turf Wars?

Joshua Howsam

We will! The podcast will continue to be hosted on iTunes and will eventually (hopefully very soon!) find its way over to the BP Podcast page.

Jake B

Thanks for the great content over the years. I’m glad to hear the podcast will continue!

Joshua Howsam

Thanks, Jake! That’s really appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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